This workshop is all about learning about the female pelvic floor! Dr. Kaitlin Haider, a Women's Health Physical Therapist, will help you learn exactly what the pelvic floor is, how to properly find and engage these muscles (aka how to kegal properly!), and whether kegals are actually good or bad for YOU. (That's right, they aren't good for everybody. )
You will gain a better understanding of how the pelvic floor changes with pregnancy & postpartum, as well as during common pelvic floor dysfunctions such as urinary leaking, abdominal separation, pelvic pain and much more! This workshop is great for all women whether or not you have had babies. We all have a pelvic floor and as a society we have very little knowledge or awareness of this important area of our bodies. Come, learn, move and enhance your body with an expert in the field of Women's & Pelvic Health!