Brick & Mortar Visibility

Ouch... that hurt.

Have you busted your butt, and gone outside your comfort zone to do something you truly believed in, only to be let down by people in your circle who you thought had your back? 

I'm sure speakin' to the choir.  Most of you are in the dance field.... and let's be real, shall we? You don't just jump into the dance world without knowing that the road will be tough, bumpy, and scary world.  Plus the scenery overall is pretty meh.  I mean, dance studios don't vary that much... 

(That's why the cost…

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Do You Still Get Nervous?

I'm not sure if this is a tip or more of a confession...

But have you ever been driving along, blaring the music, having a great hair day, wearing actual clothes that aren't mistaken for gym clothes or pj.'s, the windows are down and you're just singing away?

You're feeling fabulous!

You're feeling awesome!

You're feeling like your check list is completely done, dinner is timed out perfectly in the crock pot, and you have an extra hour before you are needed anywhere! 


And then you s…

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For the Love.... Just start already!

OK.... I'm kind talking to myself.  But maybe you can relate? 

I'm a professional procrastinator.  Seriously... If I could get paid to procrastinate, I'd be rolling in moola.  Serious moola. 

And here's the deal... I know I am. I will wait til the last minute and pull it out, and usually it's ok.  But if I really took what, maybe a few extra minutes, or hours, or in some cases days or weeks, man, I WOULD CRUSH IT!  

So why? Who knows... because when I make my lists, and work backwards, timing…

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My Favorite 3 Word Phrases Dance Teachers Say

I asked a dance teacher forum what they were saying to their dance students in the studio, and I received over 300 comments!   

Although point your toes, and straighten your knees were highlighted a lot, I wanted to share with you the top 10 favorites of mine.  Some of them can be worded multiple ways... and I tried to include them. 

However, I must admit, what makes me most happy about this list, is how our little dance phrases cross over into real world situations.  That just makes me kinda gi…

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Those 3 little words...

And it's not,  "I love you..." Although, I do. I so appreciate you taking the 2 min. it take to read this. Really.  You have no idea. 

These are 3 little words that can be incorporated in your studio or business... well actually now that I think about it, ALL of your life.  No matter what business you own, or if you manage people, or if you are out and about... these words can shift peoples mindset, making our spheres of influence even more positive! 

I received the these first two stellar examp…

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A little Freebie for you!

When you find a product, or destination or an app that you LOVE you kinda wanna share it with everyone, right?

If you own a business, you most likely have an on boarding process that is all done online.  Weather people can actually sign up or set up appointment online or get everything they need to make a buying decision so that when you finally meet them, they are basically handing over their credit card. That's a great feeling.  The world wide web has been able to "do" so much of our "work."…

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The Co$t of Rest.

You guys... I did it!

I just went on my first ever VACATION with my kiddos. 


Legit getaway outside of Gramma & Grampas house and it was a big deal for my family.  

A vacation was needed for us all.  Some time to bond and be waaaay more relaxed.  Running my businesses, and being a single mom aren't for the weary of heart.  My kiddos range from 14-5y. and we are in full mode of running and chasing.  Seldom do I have ALL of my children home at the same time.  I was feeling time slipping …

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Are you Gritty?

Copy of Coaching Graphics

And I don't mean do you feel gritty.  As in, yea, I could probably use a shower. 

What I mean is...

Do you have the Grit? 

Do you have the Teeth? 

Do you have the desire so badly that you can't let it go? No matter how many times you get kicked down, rejected, un-answered or cut off? 

I'd like to say we all have it. 

Actually, I believe we do... but to what level of grit are we willing to take on.  Perhaps your grit is a bit more delicate... for those soft woods that can't have too much abra…

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My Top 3 Summer Reads... for Life Lessons


Beautiful Summer. 

Longer days, grilling out, beach days, hanging out with friends & family. 

And hopefully working hopefully just a little bit less. 

So picking up a book to read seems like the natural thing to do, right?


Umm, not really.  Summer at this home is a little crazier.  Kids are home WAY more and the business is still there.  So the thought of picking up a book, as dreamy as that sounds, would mean I would read about two paragraphs before I'm interrupted by baby #4 squ…

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Embrace the Moment because....

Is that awesome?

Is that freeing? 

Is that frustrating? 

Is that depressing? 

Is that encouraging? 

Is that peaceful?

We're coming into the final weeks of the dance many things to do, and lots of emotions in the air. 

Perhaps the season wasn't exactly what you had hoped. Maybe you lost teachers, or recently received a lower than exceptional review of your studio, or the numbers weren't where they were a year ago... and now we're heading into summer. 

Or perhaps it was a fabul…

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