Brick & Mortar Visibility

My Top 3 Summer Reads... for Life Lessons


Beautiful Summer. 

Longer days, grilling out, beach days, hanging out with friends & family. 

And hopefully working hopefully just a little bit less. 

So picking up a book to read seems like the natural thing to do, right?


Umm, not really.  Summer at this home is a little crazier.  Kids are home WAY more and the business is still there.  So the thought of picking up a book, as dreamy as that sounds, would mean I would read about two paragraphs before I'm interrupted by baby #4 squ…

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Embrace the Moment because....

Is that awesome?

Is that freeing? 

Is that frustrating? 

Is that depressing? 

Is that encouraging? 

Is that peaceful?

We're coming into the final weeks of the dance many things to do, and lots of emotions in the air. 

Perhaps the season wasn't exactly what you had hoped. Maybe you lost teachers, or recently received a lower than exceptional review of your studio, or the numbers weren't where they were a year ago... and now we're heading into summer. 

Or perhaps it was a fabul…

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It's the Holiest of Days....

It's a GREAT Day....

Mother's Day! 

And before I loose some of you.... yes, I realize some of you may not be moms.... I need to tell you,

YOU are Playing the Role. 

As I sit here, "watching" BENJI with my two boys... while my middle one is showering, my second is chilling and my top one is doing her nails... I am thinking of the important imprint you all make in our "little world." 

You see, you may not be a mama... but you play a nurturing, loving, supportive, encouraging, expectation fill…

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The Logic of This is Overwhelming...

Do you ever have those moments where you're talking to a coach, or friend and you're like... "For Real? I seriously couldn't think of that on my own?"

Well, I know it's hard to believe  but, I have them ALL. THE. TIME.  :)

The thing is, I can tell anyone else how to fix their technique, or tweak their choreography, or run their studio better... but when it comes to my own, I can't quite see as clearly...  Anyone else? 

So here's a quick tip that I had hit over my head last week.  Forgive me if yo…

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5 Quick Ideas to Grow

Fast and Quick... 

I asked some of my favorite colleagues in the biz, Jessica Foley of Rapids Performing Arts & Rebecca McCarthy of RMSD on how to get their studio names out there and grow!  

Here are my top 6!  Yes... Bonus 

6. Add a New Class! - Yes, one that can be targeted to people already walking through your doors is ideal!  Boogie Fit Curriculum is a great one that comes to mind :) But really, Yoga, or Boys Hip Hop, or Social Dance Classes etc.  Adding even a shorter session of what y…

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